Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS/drones)
SkyHigh along with Parks Victoria have regulations that govern the use of RPAS. These regulations build on Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) guidelines to allow the safe use of RPAS.
Our regulations consider RPAS to be aircraft, and vary depending on who is piloting or operating the RPAS.
Recreational use of RPAS by the general public is prohibited on Parks Victoria managed land including SkyHigh Mount Dandenong. The recreational use of RPAS is not permitted under SkyHigh or Parks Victoria regulations and visitors should refrain from flying them or they may receive a penalty infringement notice.
Commercial filming at SkyHigh and Parks Victoria managed land requires a permit, including to use RPAS. Commercial filming with use of a RPAS is only allowed at SkyHigh between 8am and 10am provided a commercial filming permit has been granted (see below for application).
To obtain a commercial filming & photography permit including RPA use, you must be or engage a fully licensed pilot and CASA-certified operator along with registration of the drone.
Please see Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) for registration.
Are there any fees?
Yes, if a permit is required an administration fee is applicable. An administration fee is applicable and fees cannot be waived. Fees for supervision, special parking, facility hire or a bond may also apply. A late processing fee applies to applications received with less than five full working days’ notice, and we cannot guarantee that a permit can be turned around within this timeframe. The full fee schedule is outlined on the application form at the bottom of this page.
General guidelines placed on filming or photography at SkyHigh
- Stay on defined tracks. Park cars in designated carparks.
- Keep the site clean, cover food, put lids on rubbish bins.
- Consider safety precautions and follow the Victorian Screen Industry Code of Conduct.
- Keep noise to a minimum. Do not disturb other visitors.
- Don’t disturb or damage the plants, animals, soil or natural or built features in the park.
- Don’t feed the wildlife.
SkyHigh is unlikely to issue a permit if the proposed filming activities include any of the below:
- Are likely to substantially limit the experiences and enjoyment of site visitors or tenants, or the rights of the park neighbours.
- Coincide with other activities or events already planned or expected to occur at the same time and place, or are incompatible with these activities.
- Involve access to areas normally limited to administrative access or closed for resource protection or safety reasons.
- Portray activities that are not generally permitted or appropriate in the park.
What is the process?
Submit your completed application form below at least two weeks prior to filming and attach the following documents:
- Certificate of Currency – this is required for all permits and cannot be waived. The minimum public liability coverage acceptable is $10 million AUD and the certificate must note SkyHigh Victoria as an interested party.
- Site map or mud map – outlining the filming/photography activity and any unit base setups.
- Scene pages, script, mood board or short description of the nature of your project.
- Safety Plan/Risk Assessment Plan.
- Running sheet.
- CASA certification certificate
SkyHigh might request further documentation and clarification.
An invoice will be issued. Full payment is due one week prior to your visit.
Early notice of your proposed filming activity can assist the process of your permit application. If you are unsure of the exact date of filming/photography, please nominate a possible date. A permit is still required for filming and photography activities of low impact or small scale if conducted as a trade or business.
Remotely piloted aircraft systems (RPAS/drones) permit application.
Please only use this form if you have at least two weeks prior to filming and can attach the following documents –
Certificate of Currency – this is required for all permits and cannot be waived. The minimum public liability coverage acceptable is $10 million AUD and the certificate must note SkyHigh Victoria as an interested party.
Site map or mud map – outlining the filming/photography activity and any unit base setups.
Scene pages, script, mood board or short description of the nature of your project.
Safety Plan/Risk Assessment Plan.
Running sheet.
CASA certification certificate
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