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best wedding venues in dandenong
unique wedding venues mount dandenong


Intimate Wedding Package

Many couples hold large weddings and engagement parties at SkyHigh, but it’s also a beautiful place for an intimate reception. Just imagine the look on your friends faces as they walk in for dinner 600m high with the lights of Melbourne twinkling below you. Our modern function centre is purpose built to capture Melbourne’s most stunning views. With its private viewing deck, contemporary cuisine, landscaped gardens and our dedicated and award winning team of
experienced professionals, we can ensure that your intimate reception will be the talk of the town! There are no other guests, you have exclusive use of the room including a dedicated waiter! We want to ensure your reception is as special and memorable as possible.

The intimate wedding package includes:

  • Fully set tables with linen and black chair covers.
  • Fresh flower centerpieces on your tables.
  • Private wait staff, play your own music and use of the dance floor.
  • 3 course meal served to your table, including beer, wine and soft drinks.

$160.00 per person Monday to Friday, $190 per person Saturdays and Sundays subject to room availability.
This package is designed for 24 to 48 guests with a three and a half hour package and can only be booked up to 6 weeks in advance.

To book phone (03) 9751 0450 or use the enquiry form below.​


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